Unit 3 Writing: My Dream Job (150 words)
Write about your future career.
Create an introduction for the type of job you want in the future. Why is it important to have a good job? Do you think you will have a good job when you grow up? What job do you want to have? Why do you want to have this job?
Think about what having this job will be like. Briefly describe what you think an ordinary day will be like. Briefly describe what you will have to do on the job. Why do you think this job is the best job for you? Explain why you think you would be good at this job. What skills or abilities do you already have to do this job? Why do you think you have a good personality for this job? What kind of work will you do for this job? What are the skills you will you need to do this job? What will you have to learn to do? Will you take any special classes to prepare yourself?